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Theatre allows us to document and process the human experience. Want to know what folks were experiencing at some point in history and how they felt about it? Check out their theatre. For this project: 1) Choose a decade in the last 70 years of American history. In (at least) one paragraph, summarize that decade including significant events–conflicts, national discussions, successes, natural disasters, ground-breaking legislation, war (for example). 2) Research the Winners/Runners-Up for the Pulitzer Prize winners for Drama* for that decade. Identify 3 plays that have specific connections to your chosen decade. *If the decade you’ve chosen doesn’t have as many Pulitzer winners to chose from, you can also research Broadway and Off-Broadway premieres from that decade. 3) Devote one paragraph to each play. Provide a brief summary of the play, it’s success (length of run, nominations and awards received, professional reviews, etc), and the relevance to the time period. 4) The last paragraph, draw conclusions about how the shows you chose are part of the documenting and processing of what it was to live in that moment in time. This project will be assessed on 1) the quality of research, 2) the quality of writing, and 3) the substance of your conclusions.

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