Simon Sinek: How Great Leaders Inspire Action NOTE:  the quality of the video is not great. This is an interesting video that should be thought-provoking for you.  We often think of leadership as getting everybody to do what you want them to do and for them to be happy about it.  I would like to suggest that it is much more complex than that.  In this video, Simon Sinek discusses that great leaders communicate from the inside out, rather than outside in.  When you view the video, pay very close attention to the “Why†(or purpose), “Howâ€, and “What.†Your assignment is to watch the video, then discuss two things: What is your thought about the content and how might it tie into the materials you are reading about the characteristics of a leader? Can you think of a leader that embodies what Sinek is discussing?  Identify that leader (not one pointed out in the video) and discuss how s/he did (is doing) this and what types of responses do you think that leader got (is getting) from this? Course Topics so far: What Do We Mean by Leadership? Leader Development Skills for Developing Yourself as a Leader Book:… Chapters1-3