
Your instructorwill assign you a disease topic for your papers( Liver Disease). Your references MUST include at least 5 recent primary research articles, 3 of which are from journals published by the American Physiological Society (APS). There are 7 American Journal of Physiology (AJP) journals to choose from: Cell Physiology; Endocrinology & Metabolism; Gastrointestinal & Liver Physiology; Heart & Circulatory Physiology; Lung, Cellular & Molecular Physiology; Regulatory, Integrative & Comparative Physiology; and Renal Physiology. In addition, there are a few other journals published by the APS that include primary research that can be found Writing the papers: Paper 1Start the body of the paper on a new page after the title page. A minimum of 10 references are required and the paper should be 5 pages long. You are required to review the pathophysiology of the disease using these headings;IntroductionEpidemiologyEtiologyTypes/ ClassificationNormal Physiology and HomeostasisPathophysiology and Molecular Basis of the DiseaseSigns/ SymptomsLaboratory FeaturesDifferential DiagnosisComplications and Prognosis

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