
Literature Abstract Topic: Autism -designed to inform the reader about your topic & provide a brief description on what to expect-between 250-500 words—————Briefly describe the information, skills, behavior, etc. that will be a result of the interventionIdentify the outcomes or actions — measurable in terms of time, space, amount and/or frequency (ex: measurable action words: explain, demonstrate, evaluate, describe, differentiate, formulate, list, assets,attendSummarize the health topic (Health Conditions-Autism)-identify goals and objectives-identify target population-how do we know it is an issue?Summarize any health disparities and need for your interventionSummarize your proposed intervention and how will you evaluate its effectiveness?_________Key terms: taget population: a group of people specifically defined by common characteristics who will benefit from the intervention intervention: a combination of program elements or strategies designed to produce behavior charges or improve health status among individuals or an entire population.

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