
Final Vision Board Post/Reply . Please submit either a picture or Power Point of your vision board 10 Vision Board Statements & Supporting Pictures/Graphics for each statement Before you answer questions, you need to answer them according to strengths. Strengths are: 1- Curiosity 2- Justice 3- Leadership 4- Caution 5- Modesty 1. What is your Intention with Meditation? 2. What is your Intention with being more mindful in the Environment? 3. What is your Intention with applying Rest, Relaxation & Recreation to your life? 4. What is your Intention with paying attention to your Nutrition? 5. What is your Intention with Exercise? 6. What is your Intention with Mindful Communication? 7. What is your Intention with Building Positive Relationships? 8. What is your Intention with using your SENSES (sight, sound, touch, taste hearing) to be Mindful? 9. Personal Vision Statement (Copy from last class’s Mindful In Class Assignment).  10. What is your Favorite Quote?   Â

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