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HENRYs: High Earns, Not Rich YetHenrys are typically young professionals that finished their graduate studies or have a young family starting out and have the potential of earning income at a very high level but at this point in time, have challenges to earn wealth (i.e., student loans, not good credit rating, immigrants just establishing themselves in Canada)I’ve chose Henry’s sub-types: physician doctors in Canada (age: 30+)You need to profile HENRY’s and the competitive landscape has to be considered.Requirements:1. i have chose Henry’s sub-types: physician doctors in Canada (age: 30+), so firstly you need to build a persona for a physician doctor in Canada, you can give him a name, like Peter, and You are required to construct different “personas” for him in this segment, covering their age brackets, opportunities, INCOME, FAMILY TRAITS, STUDENT VS. PROFESSIONAL, HIGHEST EDUCATION ACHIEVED, what he does, thinks, says, feels( each point in some short sentences)(around 100 words)Secondly, you should analyze his needs, challenges, aspirations and potential opportunities.( this one you should do some researches, and analyze carefully)( around 350 words)2. Overview of competitors offerings to the HENRY’s segment in the wealth management sector. You need to identify different offerings by RBC’s (Royal Bank of Canada) competitors that address HENRY’s. (max 400 words)

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