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Context Project Reflection, Assessment, and Self-Grade (500 words)Now that you have done lots of researching, reading, writing, and reflecting and received feedback from your instructor and peers, it’s time to assess your relationship to the Context Project.1. What is your understanding of what was expected of you for this essay? (Consider your relationship to the prompt and lectures: did you make use of those? How and to what extent? If you didn’t make much use of them, consider why)2. From whom and/or what were these expectations coming? (Consider all of your training in academic writing, including before college).3. What were you, personally, trying to learn how to do and/or learn about in writing this essay?4. Were your personal goals consistent with the institutional requirements and expectations? Why or why not?5. If your commitment to the project was just to fulfill the institutional requirements, then describe how well the final product fulfilled the expectations of those requirements and assign yourself a grade (if not, skip this question and move to #6)6. If your commitment to the project involved both personal goals and different institutional requirements, then describe which one you prioritized, explain why, and describe how well the final product reflects achievement of your personal goal(s). Assign yourself a grade.

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