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Expanded Assignment Explanation:Use at least 3 sources to acquire the information.Be sure to read the information in the chart thoroughly, to ensure you include everything that is required.You need 2-3 examples for each of these categories: Accommodation, Adaptations, and Technology. You can put Presentation, but that is NOT the accommodation. The accommodation might be to provide teacher notes. So you could put it like this — Presentation – Speaker Notes — and then fill in the rest of the columns.Answers do not have to be, nor should they be, in complete sentences, but include enough information that explains each section.Best practices are those that a teacher would appropriately use to incorporate that item/accommodation in the lesson or classroom. It isn’t what the student does. Do a Google search for best practices, if necessary. Don’t confuse it with ‘Benefits and Purpose’ or ‘Best Use’. None of these three things are the same.Include a brief description and purpose for each example, as well as best practices, benefits, and challenges.There must be a minimum of 18 examples in the chart. Add more rows as necessary. All of this should be within the individual sections of the chart, not as a separate essay section.Include in-text citations within the sections of the chart.

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