
For this assignment, you might want to use the Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center website (at OSU!). Here is the link: Pauling Micronutrient Resources. Using the attached spreadsheet, complete the table by finding the micronutrients on this site and complete the missing information. When completed, you will have a great reference table, with an emphasis on food sources of these nutrients.Here’s a hint that directs you to a part of the Pauling website that you might really appreciate- When you are in the Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center, you’ll start with either the Vitamins or Minerals link on the right hand sidebar. Most if not all of the individual vitamins and minerals that you select will have a one page download summary. I think they provide a great overview and a reasonable amount of detail for your table. The text is there to the left if you want to drill more deeply.Here is a Word Version and an Excel Version- use whichever format works best for you Micronutrient Table (Word) Micronutrient ExcelSubmit your copy with your name to the Micronutrients Assignment folder.

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