Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) is a technique used to amplify DNA/RNA and can be quantitative (qRT-PCR).This assignment is designed to introduce you to the UCSC Genome Browser, which is a powerful tool for molecular biologists. The Genome Browser contains an In-Silico PCR function, which allows you to design and test primers for proper gene amplification.For a tutorial on how to perform this assignment (provided by UCSC genome browser), please watch this video (8 min long) located on the In-Silico PCR page. choose a gene of interest (any gene you would like to amplify) and develop primers to amplify it. You need to submit an assignment report in any text format containing the following information: The gene that you chose to amplify. For a list of human genes, click here.The Forward and Reverse primer sequences that you chose or designed in order to amplify the gene.The results of an In-Silico PCR of your gene of interest using the primers that you designed (copy paste this directly from the In-Silico PCR tool) . Ideally, your primers should be 15-25 nucleotides in length and the melting temp of the primers should be 55C-62C.