Following the Case Study outline, each presentation must be a recorded PowerPoint with students explaining their case study. The project must be 8-12 minutes long, and have a minimum of 6 slides with the following titles: i. Intro, ii. Background/Overview, iii. Applied theory, iv. Weakness of Theory, v. Conclusion. vi. References. This final project will be a PowerPoint presentation outing of a case study in which students must: 1) Discuss the complete history/timeline and key events of a criminal case (See topics below) 2) Apply at least one theory to help explain the case. 3) Explain strengths and weaknesses of theory and ways it can be improved upon to explain behaviors. 4) Post as a multi-media files for other students to review and discuss. Possible Cases Study topics include: OJ Simpson Trial The Grim Sleeper Drew Peterson Trial Casey Anthony Bernie Madoff Any violent crime case Any property crime case Any major murder trial Any Juvenile offense cases (in the last 25 years) Ay film in which criminal activities are taking place (contact professor for approval of film prior to choosing this option) Make a Power point and a presentation script to go with it following all the requirements