Hello, I need it to do my presentation , make it easy please. This is what the professor want :For this project, you will be tasked with finding a product that is not currently sold in the US market, and find a way to successfully market it here in the US. This product can be one that has tried and failed in the market previously, but choosing a product like this will come with the task of describing how the initial offering went wrong as well as what changes should be made to make it a successful re-entering of the market. Here are some specific things I will be looking for.1) What is the product/brand?2) Where is it currently being sold?3) How familiar would the US market be with this product?4) What are some current competitors?5) How would US consumers benefit from this product, especially above and beyond competitor products?6) Give some purchasing information (price, how to purchase, etc.These are examples of things I will be looking for. Each presentation will be different and require various types of information. Therefore, your product may require additional information. I will set a time frame of approximately 10 minutes. I do not care about slide count as much.