
Knowledge1. Demonstrate an understanding of the current key issues, context, policies and politicsrelevant to health and social care.2. Describe how the state and other agents of authority play, and have played, in mediatingour knowledge and underlying concerns about the nature of health and social careprovision.Skills3. Develop and delivery of a presentation to peers with associated response toquestions/discussions4. Present material in a clear and coherent manner, which demonstrates good literaturesearching and referencing skills.A PowerPoint presentation of no more than 15 slides on:A key user group and discuss how current policies, theories and politics have influenced thisgroup’s health and social care.Focus on a particular service user group e.g. older people, children, people with disabilities,mental illness, antenatal etc.In this presentation you will discuss the current key issues affecting the chosen user group;the policies in place to guide or protect them; the theories linked to the user group’ssituation and the legislation that would influence the user group against a specific context–2

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