
This is a take home essay examination. Your answers to each of the following questions must be at least a page (12 font, 1.5 space with 1” margins), type written per question. Feel free to discuss your ideas with others. Be sure to do your own writing. Include in each answer several references to your text. (Shook: Chapter 2: 4) When appropriate, use additional material from lecture, films, and/or your project. Do not use other sources. Be sure to cite all direct quotes, data and paraphrases. (Shook: Chapter 1:17) Points will be credited for the following:Take a strong stand on the central issues raised in the question. (+5 points)Respond to each of the elements of the question. (+5 points)Make several specific references to your text, clearly cited. (+5 points)Use data to support your position on the question, numbers or anthropological studies. (+5 points)Each answer is worth 25 points for a total of 100 points for the Your answers are due on May 18, 2021 at 11:59pm. Enjoy this learning experience!

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