Respond to each of the following questions. Be sure to number your responses, show your work, and write your answers in context as we did on the previous page.Are black IAT participants more likely than whites to strongly agree that law enforcement officers should focus their attention on particular social groups? Are white IAT participants more likely than multiracial participants to moderately or strongly agree that law enforcement officers should focus their attention on particular social groupsRace IAT: Race vs Crime-FocusStrongly DisagreeModerately DisagreeSlightly DisagreeNeutralSlightly AgreeModerately AgreeStrongly AgreeRow TotalsAmer Indian/ Alaskan Native31101006East Asian1765130032South Asian1641120125Native Hawaiian/ Pacific Islander 30110005Black/ African Am511571101287White40018072831444121941Other/ Unknown2374445148Multiracial3463731256