1. Download and read attached report: “Metrics for the Second Curve of Health Care”. You need to concentrate your reading on contents related to “Strategy 4: developing Integrated Information Systems”.2. Write a report to explainwhat is the Second Curve Health Care? (10 points)why Strategy 4 is important in the transition from the First Curve to the Second Curve (40 points)? Your explanation should be written from the informatics perspective focusing on how the three components of Informatics are involved in this strategy.If you choose to supplement your writing with resources besides the attached document, you need to include their references in APA format.3. Save your report as a Word document and name it as SecondCurve_FL where FL are your first and last name initials. Your Word document should be formatted using Times New Roman font (no smaller than 10 pt but no bigger than 11 pt), single spacing, 1″ margins on all sides, and the report’s length is 1-2 pages (1 page minimum, 2 pages maximum).