Write a short paper addressing the following title: “Consequences of Delinquency for the Delinquent Youth” Your work consists mainly of reviewing a small sample of relevant research evidence (evidence from 5-6 academic articles). Please organize your paper in a way similar to that of the “Paper Example” provided above. Please take into consideration the following requirements: Your work must be well organized and free from any syntax problems, and documented according to the APA manual.  You must review evidence from a minimum of 5 different sources. Your paper must have a title page that includes the paper title and your name (on the top half); and the paper abstract on the bottom half. The paper abstract must be a short paragraph consisting of three statements, one after another: problem statement (purpose of your work), methods statement (how it was done), and findings. Your paper must be 5-6 pages long (double space, 12-point font, and one-inch margins). It should be structured as follows: Title:  Abstract:  Problem statement, methods statement, and findings. Introduction:          Background          Problem Statement Consequences of Delinquency for the Delinquent Youth: A Literature Review Discussion and Conclusion References