Readings and Reading Responses:Each week, I ask that you come prepared by having read the assigned reading before the section. As part of your participation grade (15%), I ask that you write a reading response for each section each week. These responses should consist of a minimum of three bullet points but at least one bullet point per reading (3-5 sentences per bullet point not including quotes). For example, for weeks with only one assigned reading, I ask that you prepare three bullet points for said reading.How you can approach the reading responses:- You can highlight important points of the readings.- You can share whether you agree or disagree with the author’s arguments, and why.- You can pose questions.- You can draw out an author’s visual description and comment on whether you found them successful or not, and why.Readings to be addressed in this week’s responses:- Crow, Painters and Public Life, Excerpts of Ch. 7, pp. 210-241, 247-254.…- Crow, Emulation, Intro, Chs. 1-3, pp. 1-81.…- Crow, Emulation, Ch. 5, pp. 116-144.…