
Global warming—The EPA’s view Go to (Links to an external site.) (look under overview of greenhouse gases)1. What are the major greenhouse gases? What is the total emission measured in metric tons? Which gas has the highest share of emissions? (Links to an external site.)2. What sector accounts for the largest share of emissions? (Links to an external site.)3. What is the trend of emissions per dollar of GDP in the United States? Examine the trend year-over-year and also longer term trends. (Links to an external site.)*For 3: Check the actual data at (Links to an external site.) Choose all sectors, all gases, all years, and review the actual data trend at the bottom of the page. Or check at… 4. To compare national statistics with global trends, review the data and state the trend in global emissions, which country accounts for the highest emissions globally, and what sector has the highest share of global emissions.

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